Sunday, January 4, 2009

Emotional Eating

I couldn't find a more appropriate time to write this, because the holidays for me are a very emotional time. And, in the past, I was an emotional eater. It was nothing for me to feel a little down in the dumps and finish of a few Little Debbie snack cakes. When my son passed away my first reaction was to not eat at all. But, as I started to experience the reality and emotions of losing him, I started emotional eating again. Then when my father passed away, I did it even more.

People emotional eat for many reasons. You get a rush of endorphins when you eat certain foods - that's why they're called "comfort foods". Eating also passes time, gives you something to do, and keeps your hands and head occupied. Mix being an emotional eater with holiday or family gatherings where food is the focal point (and there's lots of it), and it is easy to fall into an emotional eating binge.

I'll admit it, I had a couple handfuls of caramel popcorn while at my in-laws. It was tasty, sweet, gave me a rush ... and immediately reminded me of what my goal has been for 6 months. So, I walked over to the fridge and grabbed my grapes - and emotionally ate them.

If you're an emotional eater, once in a while (a long while) it's okay to fall back into it - for a few minutes. But, if you're going to do it, remember the "code" to the lifestyle: "I will only eat foods that do something beneficial for my body." Fruit, nuts, veggies (no dip for any of them) are fine. And, with fruit, if you overdo it you're going to end up paying anyway with frequent trips to the bathroom.

But, you can also substitute other things for emotional eating. It sounds corny and unrealistic, but do something active when you feel that urge. Drop and do some crunches or push-ups. Take a walk. Do something that gets your heart and body moving. Another trick is to chew gum during that time - sugar free Extra is great. It gives you the physical act of chewing, it gives you the sweetness you're craving, but it won't set you back in your goals.

Emotional eating is a vicious cycle for people trying to lose weight. You eat because you feel bad, you feel bad because of what you just ate, so you eat because you feel bad... Take a deep breath, think about the choice you're about to make, and follow one of my tips. You'll thank yourself in the morning.

Thanks for readin'!

Remember, you can Email me at with any questions.

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